Come to my new blog!!
That's where the fun lives now. Come check it out!
"Life is what happens while you are making other plans." - John Lennon
That's where the fun lives now. Come check it out!
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10:34 PM
tiny dancers grooved to this
Categorically Speaking: Blog News
So you may have noticed that I have neglected to post to my blog in over a month. It's not that I haven't had anything to say, or even that I haven't had the time. Blogger and I were having some creative differences, spent a lot of time arguing, then gave each other the silent treatment. He wasn't giving an inch, and we all know how stubborn I am. Especially when we know that I'm right
So. It's official.
Blogger and I have gotten a divorce. The good news is I found a new guy, Wordpress. Not only is he cooler than Blogger, but he was able to wrangle me full custody of my posts and all their comments. So here we are. Me and the kids all snug and settled in here at our new home - New look, new blog name...we're ready for the new year! Hope you come to join us!
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3:18 PM
tiny dancers grooved to this
Track spun by
5:05 AM
tiny dancers grooved to this
Categorically Speaking: Life
JUST FOR TODAY: I will live through this day only. I will not brood about yesterday or obsess about tomorrow. I will not set far-reaching goals or try to overcome all of my problems at once.
I know that I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I had to keep it up for a lifetime.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will be happy. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. If my mind fills with clouds, I will chase them away and fill it with sunshine.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will accept what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things I can correct, and accept those I cannot.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will improve my mind. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will not be a mental loafer.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will be kind and courteous to those who cross my path, and I'll not speak ill of others. I will improve my appearance, speak softly, and not interrupt when someone else is talking.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will refrain from improving anybody but myself.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will do something positive to improve my health. If I'm a smoker, I'll quit. If I am overweight, I will eat healthfully -- if only just for today. And not only that, I will get off the couch and take a brisk walk, even if it's only around the block.
JUST FOR TODAY: I will gather the courage to do what is right and take responsibility for my own actions
Track spun by
12:46 AM
1 tiny dancers grooved to this
Categorically Speaking: Life
It is hard to believe that another entire year has passed by me. 2006 was filled with trials and triumphs, heartbreak and love, breakdowns and redemption. I experienced some of the highest highs and the lowest lows that I could ever imagine. So many lessons were learned. So many battles fought. So much life lived. So much love shared. Instead of doing a blow-by-blow recap of how the year played out (since most of you know how it all went down anyways), I present to you in handy bulleted format - my 2006.
2006 Taught Me:
2006 Broke Me:
2006 Spoiled Me:
I wish you and yours a healthy, happy 2007 filled with love and prosperity.
Track spun by
4:01 AM
tiny dancers grooved to this
Categorically Speaking: Life